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2004-03-25 - 3:32 p.m.

Yo. I just ate two big pieces of cake. I'm ashamed of myself. It�s just chillin� there, in the bottom of my stomach, calling me a failure for caving in to excess. I usually can eat one piece and leave it along, but I got all excited because I took a body fat test and it was 19.4%. That�s pretty good for a hag my age. The trainer thought I was 5�4�, which was very flattering. All that yoga must give me an aura that�s four inches taller than my normal height. Then he asked my age and I said 26. He did one of those �REALLY?!?!?� type things, that are embarrassing both for the person saying it and the person who is used to eliciting that response. I guess the fact that everyone assumes I�m 20 is a good thing, and will get even better the closer I get to 30.

Wow this is quite boring. Why am I even writing this? Creativity is hovering slightly above zero today. This is most likely related to the 30-page manuscript I spent the day editing, on the heavenly subject of Muslim women and psychotherapy. It�s a wonder I�m not hanging from a Pencopal-created noose in the ceiling. My brain is still struggling to understand the article�s juxtaposition of Islamic principles and Rogerian Therapy. Damned article gave me a fucking headache.

I have to give a presentation tonight on postmodernism and popular culture. How cutting edge. I�d like to pass around a joint and play a song or two by the Clash and Madonna (these were the most recent examples the theorists could come up with), staring intently at the class. At the end I could stand up and say, �So here you can see postmodernism�s relationship with popular culture. Thank you.� The students would give me an A, that�s for sure. Not so confident about the prof.

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